Within a challenging global economic landscape, 2022 was a landmark year for technological advancements across all industries, and the construction technology sector was no exception. Our cmBuilder customers were active in providing product feedback and features requests and our team harnessed a proactive approach to not only meet, but hopefully exceed our customers’ needs and expectations. We are proud of our incredible product velocity powered by our Agile and lean approach.
2022 was a landmark year for the cmBuilder platform. We recognize the crucial roles that ease of use, speed and accessibility play in the development of our 3D/4D/5D construction site logistics platform. Over the past year, we made a conceded effort to make accessibility a priority in all aspects of our software in the form of performance, scalability and collaboration. In light of this, we believe that keeping our customers informed and engaged is the best way to maximize the accessibility of our software. This came in the form of our newly created user workshops, consumer spotlights, feature release announcements and even #KeyFeatureFriday on LinkedIn! We are honoured to be on this journey of innovation with you, our innovative customer!

I am extremely proud of our team and how we significantly increased our product velocity with meaningful, valuable new features on the cmBuilder platform in 2022. We are inspired by our incredible group of customers who are shaping the built environment all over the world, and we aim to take the cmBuilder platform to the next level in 2023!
- Javier Glatt - Co-Founder

The past year, we focused on keeping you digitally engaged and equipped, by delivering a steady stream of new features while increasing scalability and reliability. To start the 2022 year, we didn’t even have the ability to undo/redo or have a history log in the product, look how far we came with these highlighted new features released in 2022:
- Sketch + Sketch Tools
- Copy/Paste/Multi-Edit Resources
- Improved Graphics (building edges, ambient occlusion)
- Improved Performance (5x faster load time, 2x faster framerate)
- Branding/Coloring
- Image/Video Export
- Model & Schedule Sync
- 3D Labels
- Drone Scan Import with Texture
- Commenting & Live-Update-Multiplayer
- Lasso select / Multiselect and move resources
- Milestone management / dependencies
- Resource, Labels, Massing link to milestones which are linked to schedule
- Streamlined project map setup and customization
Looking ahead to 2023 and beyond, the cmBuilder team is committed to putting in the work, day in, and day out, to turn customer insights and feedback into features, functions and workflows in cmBuilder that bring real value to our users. We will continue to move fast, innovate and help enable our customer win more work, deliver more efficiently with the benefit of digital simulation and help drive innovation in construction!
We thank you for coming along our journey